The key to controlling your blood sugar level is to help your body maintain it at a steady level. This can be done a number of ways; however, the simplest and easiest way is though diet and lifestyle. Small changes in your diet and exercise routine and your sleep schedule can wind up making a big difference in the management of blood sugar levels.
Processed food (the kind that comes with labels) needs to see a serious reduction in your diet. Aim to replace processed (inflammatory) foods with anti-inflammatory foods. When you do eat, don’t stuff yourself silly, it’s not Christmas day! This is important because the amount that you eat is just as important as when you eat as it directly influences how your body responds to the sugars in the foods that you eat.
It’s not 100% necessary to cut sugar and carbohydrates completely out of your diet but it’s vital to reduce the amount you consume and balance them out with proteins and fats. The main focus should be to obtain all of these from real whole foods.
Having protein, fibre and healthy fat with all your meals and snacks can aid in stabilising your blood sugar, this is especially important when you do consume natural carbs and sugars (e.g. starchy veggies like potatoes, fruit and whole grains) as the combination slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and prevents “insulin shock”, which then helps you manage your appetite, regulate your metabolism and digestion.
Always eat breakfast that contains high quality proteins and fats. Avoid eating sweets and starch before bed. Eliminate food intolerances and allergies as these create blood sugar instability and insulin surges. Common food intolerances are gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy and yeast). Reduce caffeine aiming to avoid it completely as caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands into making more cortisol adding to the merry-go-round effect.
Do your absolute best to eat as much organic food as possible
Foods to avoid / remove from your diet
- Refined Carbohydrates
- Sugar
- Processed foods
- Soft drinks and processed fruit juices
- Caffeine
- Inflammatory foods – foods that you may be intolerant to
- Alcohol
- White potatoes
- Trans Fats
Foods to Include in your Diet
Protein Rich Foods
Wild fish eg. salmon, free-range eggs, grass-fed beef or lamb, raw dairy products (yogurt, kefir or raw cheese) and pasture-raised / free range / organic poultry.
Soluble and High Fibre Foods
Fresh vegetables eg. turnips; swede; okra; peas, artichokes, green leafy vegetables, avocado, sweet potatoes etc; oats; pulses; brown rice; xanthem gum; chia seeds; flaxseeds; pumpkin seeds; almonds; beans, sprouted beans; pulses and ancient grains.
Healthy Fats
Virgin coconut oil; organic ghee; grass-fed butter; MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil eg. coconut oil, these are fine to cook with. Extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil are brilliant but should not be used for cooking, flaxseed oil should be stored in the fridge. Nuts and seeds (almonds, chia , hemp and flax) and avocado.
High Antioxidant foods
Berries, sour cherries, kale, broccoli, cocoa, tomatoes, green tea, all dark richly coloured vegetables and fruits.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Either add this to salad dressings or for optimal effect 1 tablespoon either straight or in a small glass of water before meals
Aim to drink a minimum of 2 ltrs per day
Lifestyle Changes
- If you smoke do your utmost to stop
- Take regular exercise
- Sleep; avoid using cell phones or screens at least an hour before bed, switch these to night mode as soon as it gets dark.
- Take steps to manage and reduce the stress levels in your life
Sugar is a highly addictive substance. It acts on the same chemical pathways as class A opioid drugs such as cocaine. Ensure that you control your blood sugar levels by sticking to foods that are low on the Glycemic Load Scale.
Above all remember that the human body is a remarkable creation, if you look after it, it will look after you, if you provide it with the building blocks to heal it will heal.