The key to controlling your blood sugar level is to help your body maintain it at a steady level. This can be done a number of ways; however, the simplest and easiest way is though diet and lifestyle. Small changes in your diet and exercise routine and your sleep schedule can wind up making a big difference in the management of blood sugar levels.  

Processed food (the kind that comes with labels) needs to see a serious reduction in your diet. Aim to replace processed (inflammatory) foods with anti-inflammatory foods. When you do eat, don’t stuff yourself silly, it’s not Christmas day! This is important because the amount that you eat is just as important as when you eat as it directly influences how your body responds to the sugars in the foods that you eat.

It’s not 100% necessary to cut sugar and carbohydrates completely out of your diet but it’s vital to reduce the amount you consume and balance them out with proteins and fats. The main focus should be to obtain all of these from real whole foods.

Having protein, fibre and healthy fat with all your meals and snacks can aid in stabilising your blood sugar, this is especially important when you do consume natural carbs and sugars (e.g. starchy veggies like potatoes, fruit and whole grains) as the combination slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and prevents “insulin shock”, which then helps you manage your appetite, regulate your metabolism and digestion.

Always eat breakfast that contains high quality proteins and fats. Avoid eating sweets and starch before bed. Eliminate food intolerances and allergies as these create blood sugar instability and insulin surges. Common food intolerances are gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy and yeast). Reduce caffeine aiming to avoid it completely as caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands into making more cortisol adding to the merry-go-round effect.

Do your absolute best to eat as much organic food as possible

Foods to avoid / remove from your diet

  • Refined Carbohydrates
  • Sugar
  • Processed foods
  • Soft drinks and processed fruit juices
  • Caffeine
  • Inflammatory foods – foods that you may be intolerant to
  • Alcohol
  • White potatoes
  • Trans Fats

Foods to Include in your Diet

Protein Rich Foods

Wild fish eg. salmon, free-range eggs, grass-fed beef or lamb, raw dairy products (yogurt, kefir or raw cheese) and pasture-raised / free range / organic poultry.

Soluble and High Fibre Foods

Fresh vegetables eg. turnips; swede; okra; peas, artichokes, green leafy vegetables, avocado, sweet potatoes etc; oats; pulses; brown rice; xanthem gum; chia seeds; flaxseeds; pumpkin seeds; almonds; beans, sprouted beans; pulses and ancient grains.

Healthy Fats

Virgin coconut oil; organic ghee; grass-fed butter; MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil eg. coconut oil, these are fine to cook with. Extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil are brilliant but should not be used for cooking, flaxseed oil should be stored in the fridge. Nuts and seeds (almonds, chia , hemp and flax) and avocado.

High Antioxidant foods

Berries, sour cherries, kale, broccoli, cocoa, tomatoes, green tea, all dark richly coloured vegetables and fruits.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Either add this to salad dressings or for optimal effect 1 tablespoon either straight or in a small glass of water before meals


Aim to drink a minimum of 2 ltrs per day

Lifestyle Changes

  • If you smoke do your utmost to stop
  • Take regular exercise
  • Sleep; avoid using cell phones or screens at least an hour before bed, switch these to night mode as soon as it gets dark.
  • Take steps to manage and reduce the stress levels in your life


Sugar is a highly addictive substance. It acts on the same chemical pathways as class A opioid drugs such as cocaine. Ensure that you control your blood sugar levels by sticking to foods that are low on the Glycemic Load Scale.

Above all remember that the human body is a remarkable creation, if you look after it, it will look after you, if you provide it with the building blocks to heal it will heal.

It’s white it’s furry and it also goes by the name of thrush. Candida comes in many forms however Candida Albicans, the most common type of yeast infection is often found in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina. It can also affect the skin, nails and other mucus membranes. If your immune system is functioning optimally it is rarely serious. On the other hand if your immune system is worn down or simply not functioning properly Candida can become invasive migrating to other areas of the body, including the blood and membranes around the heart and brain.

In the right quantities Candida aids with nutrient absorption and digestion however, if it is allowed to over produce it starts to break down the walls of the intestinal lining penetrating  the bloodstream. This action releases toxins from your system, leading to leaky gut syndrome

There is a saying “if you give an inch they will take a mile” well Candida has a nasty habit of precisely that. Rapidly growing out of control becoming a chronic health condition. In some people chronic Candida can induce food intolerances and allergies to foods which were previously fine. These foods can include dairy, eggs, corn and gluten.


  • Mood Disorders – mood swings; anxiety; irritability; depression; panic attacks
  • Recurring Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) – It’s worth noting that Candidia can be transmitted sexually.
  • Chronic Fatigue – often present with headaches; joint pain; memory loss; concentration loss; sore throat.
  • Oral Thrush – can be transmitted through the saliva
  • Sinus Infections – persistent cough, post-nasal drip; increase in congestion; seasonal allergies; flu-like symptoms.
  • Intestinal Distress – Persistent flatulence; burping; bloating; constipation or diarrhea; stomach cramps
  • Brain Fog – poor coordination; lack of focus
  • Skin and Nail Fungal Infections – Athlete’s foot; fungal infections
  • Hormonal Imbalance – Candida can cause early menopause; PMS; low sex drive; migraines; endometriosis; water retention; mood swings; inability to loose weight.


Candida has a number of causes including a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol all of which help to feed Candida.  

Antibiotics are often prescribed to fight infections with the intention of killing off invasive bacteria within your system, trouble is that they are often overused. This leads to other problems. Antibiotics are not selective, they kill all bacteria including beneficial bacteria creating a literal breeding ground for Candida.

Oral Corticosteroids – present in asthma inhalers, increase the risk of Candida developing in your mouth, which is why it’s very important that you follow directions for swishing your mouth out every time you use your inhaler.

Birth control pills combined with a diet high in refined sugars and the occasional course of antibiotics can result in Candida infections. These are often treated with antibiotics which can instigate a never-ending circle with women often finding that their birth control pills seem to instigate yeast infections.

Anyone with a weakened immune system has a much higher chance of developing Candida, including infants; small children; the elderly; those with HIV/AIDS as well as inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.

People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes have a much higher chance of contracting Candida infections. This is down to the sugar levels in the mouth and other mucus membranes being higher in sugar levels than those without. Candida is a yeast and yeast feeds on sugar so this correlation is understandable.

While Candida is stubborn ,with the right help, supplements and dietary plan, your body is more than capable of rectifying the situation and putting Candida at bay.

I am a huge fan of wild food, by that I mean food that you find in the countryside, hidden in the hedgerows or deep in the woods. This I call wild food. No one has planted it and mainly through lack of knowledge almost nobody eats it. It’s not covered in chemicals or bolstered with man made fertilisers. It’s the good stuff, things that our grandparent’s parents ate, the things that our fast-paced modern society has forgotten all about! 

Yesterday the sun was shining! Eager to make the most of it we loaded our daughter into her carry pack mounted her on her trusty steed (daddy) and headed off on a countryside hike. 

Sweet chestnuts, on the other hand, were coming home!

Sweet chestnuts are an excellent source of manganese, molybdenum, copper and magnesium.

They work to reduce cholesterol, stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce constipation and the risk of intestinal complications such as diverticulosis.  Sweet chestnuts contain fat-soluble B vitamins which improve brain function and produce red blood cells. They also contain copper, a trace mineral that enhances bone structure and manganese that fights off free radicals reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

In comparison to walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds chestnuts have a much lower fat content with nutritional characteristics similar to those of cereals, they are high in starch, rich in fibre as well as the mineral salts potassium and phosphorus alongside this they contain vitamins B2 and E.

Now for a word of warning: this incredible wild food is encased in a rather prickly shell which resembles a cross between a hedgehog and a cactus, so if you’re going to head out to collect them you might want to take a pair of leather gloves with you!