We have all heard the famous Welsh proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” but what is it about apples and why are they regarded so highly?

Apples are rich in

Vitamin C: A powerful natural antioxidant with the ability to block some of the damage caused by free radicals while simultaneously boosting the body’s resistance to infectious agents. (1)

B-complex vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin b-6): Key vitamins for nervous system health and maintaining red blood cells. (2)

Dietary fibre: Aids in controlling blood cholesterol levels. (3)

Phytonutrients: Rich in polyphenolic compounds which help protect the body from the disadvantageous effects of free radicals. (4

Minerals: Packed with minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. (5)

Various studies have found apples to be very beneficial to your health.

One study found that quercetin (an antioxidant found abundantly in apples) to be one of two compounds which aided in the reduction of cellular death caused by oxidation and inflammation of neurons.  Another study found that the consumption of apples may increase the production of the essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine resulting in improved memory (6). Other studies have shown apples to reduce the risk of thrombotic stroke (7) . While another found that when older women ate apples every day they had 23% less bad cholesterol (LDL) 4% more good cholesterol (HDL) after six months (8)

Apples have been shown to lower your risk of diabetes (9) and the evidence is mounting to suggest that a single apple a day may help prevent breast cancer added to this a 2014 study found that the bioactive compounds of apples positively affected the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

In short, these juicy little fruit not only promote weight loss and gut health but work wonders on your memory, helping to prevent migraines and headaches. They reduced the potential of stroke as well as lessening bad cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of diabetes alongside all of the above they are looking to be a promising tool in the arsenal of natural breast cancer-fighting weapons.

It would seem that the old Welsh proverb was right. An apple a day may keep the doctor away!